HRC ground hire

We are pleased to confirm HRC club grounds are available for private training for both members and non-members. Strict guidelines do apply, please be sure to read the conditions below.
At this time, only HRC members can book online. Non-members must book via our secretary, Gail Benson. Fees for non-members are $35 per horse.
All riders must be current EA members
You must pre-book online (members) or by contacting Gail Benson (non-members) at least 24 hours in advance.
If you are employing a coach, they must be an EA coach.
You must not ride alone.
You must wear an approved safety helmet and footwear while mounted and if you are using the cross country jumps you must wear an approved back protector (safety vest)
No dogs allowed
Sheep will be out on the cross country, so be aware of this
There will be no toilet facilities
Please note, the water jump may not be filled.
Different keys are required for the dressage arenas and Show Jump arena 4. Please detail your requirements when booking
Members, it is your responsibility to organise key collection once your booking is confirmed. Please do this straight away or risk your booking being canceled. All committee contact details are on the blue card.
Please report any broken equipment or unauthorised use of the grounds back to the committee.​
We are rely on our members to adhere to these guidelines so we are able to keep the grounds open. We appreciate your support with this.