Membership Categories
NOTE: Family Membership Is defined as a couple or single living at the same address with dependent children under 18 years.
Transitioning people 18 years and over will have no joining fee – they just transfer to their own individual membership and will
need to fulfil their own volunteer hours (or have someone complete for them). Any variations on individual circumstances will be
considered by the executive on a case-by-case basis.
Training Day Membership
Entitles members to attend training days, the closed Gymkhana (subject to qualifying – see point 17 in Club Rules & Regulations) and any other closed events, and to receive the newsletter. Members over 18 years of age may stand for committee positions and vote on motions. Also allows use of club facilities on any other day except Sundays, providing they are also members of Equestrian Australia (NSW). Under the constitution of this association the primary member must be over 18 yrs. of age for them to have voting rights and /or be a member of the committee to be consistent with the relevant legislation. However, if an individual under 18 yrs. wishes to join without a primary member over 18yrs, they should approach the committee.
Membership requirements for this category: A minimum of 6 hours of volunteer duty per year per riding member (4 hours for the
second riding member in the family and 2 hours for the 3rd and subsequent members). Duty can be carried out by member or their
substitute, who can be a non-member. These generally are undertaken as 3 x 2-hour time slots, but variations are permitted. The time may be made up as assistance at any Open or Closed events, grounds maintenance days or canteen duties.
Costs: $150 per year plus $25 for each additional riding member in same family. (See below for description of Family Membership.)
Club uniform (club shirt & light-coloured or blue/black jodhpurs /breeches, taged helmet and boots, back protector for cross-country riding and name badge) are compulsory for training days.
Non-Training Day Membership
Entitles members to receive the newsletter and attend all social functions. Members over 18 years of age may stand for committee
positions and vote on motions. Members are able to use club facilities at any time other than Sundays, provided they are members of Equestrian Australia (NSW) and member number must be included on the membership application form. Non-Training Day members are not entitled to ride on training days and are not eligible for end of year group awards.
Membership requirements for this category: A Minimum of 4 hours of volunteer duties per year per riding member. (2 hours for the
second and subsequent riding members in the family). Duty can be carried out by member or their substitute, who can be a non-member. The hours may be taken as 2 x 2-hour slots of consolidated into 1 x 4-hour duty. The time may be made up of assistance at Open or Closed events, donation of coaching time (for accredited coaches), grounds maintenance days, assistance in canteen or any other negotiated volunteer work for the club.
Costs: $150 per year plus $25 for each additional riding member in same family group. (See below for Family Membership description.)
Non-riding Membership
Entitles member to receive the club newsletter and attend all social functions. Members over 18 years of age may stand for committee positions and vote on motions. Should they wish to use the grounds the normal hire fee applies.
Membership requirements for this category: There are no responsibilities required to maintain this level of membership category.
Cost: $25 per family. This category can be converted to a riding membership at any time through the year with the payment of the
appropriate balance of fees.
Life Membership
These are bestowed from time to time at the discretion of the executive on members who have made a significant long-term contribution to the club. Anyone can nominate a person for Life membership up until 21 days prior to the AGM. There are three criteria for eligibility:
1. The member must be over 18 and have been a continuous financial member for not less than 15 years.
2. Must have been an elected committee member over a significant period of time and must have contributed substantially to the
organisation and administration of a variety of club activities.
3. Exhibit personal qualities appropriate to the upholding the aims and objectives of the club eg: fostering the spirit of participative competition, good sportsmanship, giving encouragement to members of all ages, promoting good fellowship, promoting the club to the wider community, and promoting the development of individuals’ skills and knowledge of horsemanship.
Membership requirements for this category: There are no annual fees or responsibilities, but the same qualifications apply as
for other members for the purposes of the Closed Gymkhana. Life memberships only apply to that individual, not to their
partner or children (under 18 years).
New Member Joining Fee
Once Only Fee per family or single membership when first joining the club. Cost: $300.